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‘Very enthusiastic’: Tuvaluan PM inspired by visit to Angelica Fisheries

The Prime Minister of Tuvalu Enele Sopoaga recently visited Ulladulla to meet with three Tuvaluan workers employed through the Pacific Labour Scheme, demonstrating his full support for the program. “He came away very enthusiastic and supportive of the…

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Fishing for change: Operators meet with politicians to discuss MPA impacts

After many years the new commonwealth marine parks are welcomed by Australian longline fisheries. However, there is an urgent need for the federal government to review and address adverse impacts through the Fishing Business Assistance Package. This was…

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SBS story: Australia’s new labour scheme for Pacific Islanders gets underway

Talimanatu Uilese from Tuvalu recently begun working as a deckhand on a commercial fishing boat in coastal NSW. He’s one of 80 Pacific Islanders who are employed in regional parts of Australia for up to three years under…

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Daily Telegraph story: A long-liner’s lament

Australia’s commonwealth fisheries, like the southern bluefun tuna fishery, are some of the best managed in the world, wrote Gone Fishing columnist Al McGlashan in the Daily Telegraph on Friday 7 September 2018. This is due to the…

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Uncommon catch: Cookiecutter shark given to CSIRO for research

Few people have heard of or seen a cookiecutter shark. So when co-owner of Abbott Fisheries Todd Abbott caught one recently, he decided to hand it over to CSIRO for further research. We caught up with him to…

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Filling the void: Pacific Island workers now working on Australian tuna vessels

The first of many Pacific Island nationals have started working on Australian tuna longline fishing vessels, providing businesses with a reliable source of workers and helping to fill otherwise vacant roles. This is part of the Australian Government’s Pacific…

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Commonwealth marine parks passed the final test

Today the senate confirmed that the Commonwealth marine parks introduced on 1 July this year will remain in place. This decision was well received by the tuna longline industry as it provides certainty, thereby allowing the commercial fishing…

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AMCS missing the boat on sea turtle interactions

Once again the Australian Marine Conservation Society misrepresents data on turtle and wildlife interactions in their latest media release. The facts are: All Commonwealth fisheries undertake an ecological risk assessment ensuring sustainability. The fishery is scientifically assessed on an annual…

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Protected waters: Fishing and conservation sectors support marine park plans

It’s hotting up in the senate with the five disallowance motions covering each of the Commonwealth marine parks management plans being voted on this Thursday 16 August. What makes this situation interesting is commercial fishing, recreational fishing and…

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Letter to the editor: Address real threats to our oceans

Mining magnate Andrew Forrest commits $100 million to ocean conservation as Minderoo Foundation takes to the seas The West Australian Tuesday, 31 July 2018 It is disappointing the article failed to mention key facts or look at real…

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All in the family: The journey of Abbott Fisheries

For Abbott Fisheries, one thing has remained constant over its 69 years of operation: the involvement of family members. It’s an approach that has seen the third-generation fishing business, operating out of Narooma on the NSW south coast,…

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Meet a member: Rowan Lamason (Little Tuna)

Rowan and Kate Lamason are the husband and wife team behind Little Tuna, the Cairns-based business selling high-end value-added tuna products. We spoke with Rowan about their inspiration for the business and use of sustainably-caught Australian seafood. Tell…

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