southern bluefin tuna

Southern Bluefin Tuna auction raises $100,000 for mental health charities

A Southern Bluefin Tuna donated by Tuna Australia member South Seas Tuna has raised over $100,000 at a charity auction event in Sydney. The Wet Cold + Delicious: A Deep Dive into Tuna auction event drew in over 100 guests, with all proceeds going towards supporting mental health charities via the BuildCorp Foundation.

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Tuna Australia drives Southern Bluefin Tuna MSC certification for sustainable fisheries

Efforts are underway to secure Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification for Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT) in recognition of the fishery’s sustainability. Tuna Australia is spearheading this work through a project part funded by the Fisheries Research Development Corporation (FRDC).

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Keeping tuna sustainable

Southern bluefin tuna numbers are taking a turn for the better, with the fishery meeting sustainable fishing standards. Australia’s valuable southern bluefin tuna (SBT) fishery operates out of Port Lincoln in South Australia and along Australia’s east coast….

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Recipe: Easy as fresh Australian tuna poke bowl

Looking for a quick tuna recipe? This easy as poke bowl looks great, tastes even better and can be whipped up in 15 minutes! Fast, fresh and full of flavour, our easy as poke bowl is seriously good….

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Respected fisher Al McGlashan says understanding, education key to sharing ETBF resources

A respected fishing ambassador and media personality has praised examples of growing cooperation between commercial and recreational fishers in the Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery (ETBF), and called for further education and information sharing to better protect shared…

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Stocks of Southern Bluefin Tuna and Bigeye Tuna have increased, shows report

The Australian longline tuna industry has welcomed an Australian government assessment showing stocks of Southern Bluefin Tuna and Bigeye Tuna have increased over the last two years. “Global stock levels of Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT) have moved from…

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Tuna industry joins call for secure access rights

Tuna Australia, the peak-body representing the national longline tuna industry, has joined the Australian seafood industry’s call for greater security around access rights. “Resource access is one of our biggest issues as we are seeing an unprecedented erosion…

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